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Downloadable PDF Reports

Download recent Future Majority research reports in PDF format.

Winning the Future

Research into the unconscious mind of voters.

The Truth Study

A deep look into what’s below the surface.

WTF Florida?!

A look into what gives in the Sunshine State.

Traversing Texas

A look into what gives in the Longhorn State

Study of Voter Attitudes

A look into what voters think

Cross State Media Study #1

In this study, we explored how a diverse group of American voters see the world, how they are looking into the future, what matters to them, how they think about issues and what makes them tick. What follows is a revealing look into what voters are thinking and what the Democratic Party needs to know before November 2022.

Abortion Post-Roe

Insights from the Field

Study of Debt Ceiling Voter Opinion

A look into what voters think

An Early Look at 2024

A look into voter sentiments


A look at Florida.

February Report

A look at Moveable Voters.

CDs Landscape

A look at voters in congressional districts.

Pursuing Pennsylvania

A look into what gives in the Keystone State.

Nevada’s Gettable Voters

A look into Clark County’s gettable Voters

WTF North Carolina?!

A look into what gives in the Tar Heel State

The Heartland Study

A look into what gives in Rural America (MN, IA, WI)

The Tipping Point

A deep look into the minds of Christians who flipped from Trump to Biden.

American Leadership Project

Uncovering America’s Unconscious Beliefs about the Kind of Leaders We Need

Cross State Media Study #2

In this study, we continue exploring how a diverse group of American voters see the world, how they are looking into the future, what matters to them, how they think about issues and what makes them tick.

Jan 6th Committee

Insights from the Field

Study of Voters

A look into what voters think

October Report

A look at MT/OH/VA.

Antisemitism Report

A look at voters nationally.

October Playbook

A look at voters in congressional districts & Black voters nationwide.