Report: Winning the Future
Research into the unconscious mind of voters
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Key study conclusions:
Life is fast but government is slow and viewed unfavorably. And Democrats own government. Therefore, Democrats need to make government work and also modernize government to deal with day to day problems.
While Democrats are the Party of diversity and the future, Democrats get backlash from cancel culture, the perception that it is elite, and the idea that Democrats just care about special interest groups. Democrats need to provide on ramps for people to feel included – especially those in small towns.
Democrats need to tell a better story about how their policies open doors of opportunity, and that under their leadership, the economy has actually gotten better for Americans. Also, Democrats ought to embrace the language of investment and talk about economic freedom, ensuring that Americans are the shareholders of the American economy, not just bystanders or servants to it. One thing to note throughout the research project is that technology and a rapidly changing future creates a great deal of anxiety so is in imperative for leaders to be transparent and create tools for people to succeed.
Our methodology
The participants
- their perception of America in this moment and into the future
- participants’ thoughts and feelings about the Democratic and Republican parties – broadly and as characters, and
- the impact of each party in power for 20 years
- Their thoughts on which party – the Democratic or Republican party – they would choose to manage various scenarios (Zombie Apocalypse, Financial Management, Desert Island, Child Care) and why
- And what they sensorially associated with each party in order to uncover a comprehensive picture of the parties.
All imagery that follows, unless otherwise indicated, was provided by the research subjects.
Feel like they are DROWNING and DISPENSABLE.
Where we’re heading is bleak.
And America is more divided than ever.
So each person is taking on big problems — ALONE.
Independent (I)
Republican (R)
Moderate Liberal (ML)
Moderate Conservative (MC)
Very Liberal (VL)
- Every 2-4 years, consistently
Not Regular Voter (NR)
- Voted in last election, but doesn’t vote consistently
All imagery that follows, unless otherwise indicated, was provided by the research subjects.
Who is the Democratic party?
They are idealists (maybe too much)
“I feel the Democrats [have] a strong desire to do the right thing.”(Richard, IMCNR)
“The [Democrat Party is] trying to build this utopian society where everybody’s accepted and loved and everybody’s right and whatever you want to do, do as long as it makes you feel good and doesn’t overtly hurt somebody else.” (Richard, RMCR)
“Democrats want to serve. They’re not just there for the power.” (Shannon, DVLR)
They spend money like water
“The Democratic Party is much more, Oh, you need help. Here you go. Whether you’re scamming the system or not, here you go.” (Amy, IMNR)
“We’re going to go pay money to foreign countries..They are the party of giveaways. They are the party of welfare. They’re the party of the great society.” (Ron, IMCR)
Where do Democrats win?
They own science, tech, and the environment
“[Democrats] are willing to follow science. You cannot deny it when you’ve got major amounts of glacial melting, oceans rising, climate changing. How do you say, Yeah, no, that’s not a problem?“ (Margaret, IMLR)
“They care about the earth, care about protecting the environment and see it as important.” (Ben H. IMLR)
“[With Democrats], there’s an attempt to have an increased awareness as to what decisions will impact the environment long term. (Richard, IMCNR)
“The Democrats are very much into saving the environment.” (Richard, RMCR)
Who is the Republican party?
They deliver (for themselves)
“What Republicans just want to hold onto is an individualistic view. It ends up leading down to a lot of selfishness. When you’re talking on a large scale of the government of the whole country, you really do have to be caring about other people because just chasing that individualism so hard is what leaves other people down.” (Nick S, DVLR)
“They’re hypocritical and they only care about one thing and that’s finances. They don’t really care about people. What I should’ve put instead of this image of the Republican party, is Mr. Scrooge. What’s their motto? Me, me, me. It’s just keeping their wealth, if that’s all that seems to matter.” (Hannah, IMR)
They own traditional family values
“Well, I think it was protecting American interests. The economy, it was booming. I mean, it’s still doing pretty well, but I mean, it’s kind of all those things with business and defending American interests, and just the traditional values of education, hard work, the whole bit that you’ll… By hard work that you will get, you will reap the rewards.” (Sheila, RMCR)
Their black & white thinking is calming
Where do Republicans win?
Aggression & money
“[When it comes to money], I would want a Republican. My thought pattern is a Democrat would be much more conservative with my finances, where Republicans are probably going to be much more aggressive, and I’m okay with leaning more towards aggressive planning than conservative just because while there’s more risk, there’s also more gain opportunity. Republicans are more aggressive and are really driven for success primarily through money, and I think that’s a good thing in a sense of helping grow and support our economy.“(Sofia L, DVLR)
“For some reason when Trump was in office, the stocks were sky high. I don’t know why. Maybe because all those big businesses were making more money. I think that a lot of Republicans have investments. And like I said, the lower class, which are usually Democrats are the lower paid class. They don’t have it. They don’t have the money for that. They can’t put that in. They’re barely surviving getting by so they’re not going to be putting money in investments.” (Kaycee W, RMCR)
How Indies are unique in viewing both parties
Critical: The Independent Voter
While only 7-10% of the vote, Pure Independents often determine outcomes. This shows what drives their vote. Hover over each plot point to see a particular issue/trait.
Watchout 1:
Watchout 2:
Watchout 3:
Watchout 1: Democrats are exclusionary*
Diversity and inclusion is kinda the Dems’ thing… and it’s more and more everyone’s thing
“Well, if you look at the cabinet choices that the president is making, how diverse they are, I think he realizes who got him elected. And he realized he has to try to make our political appointees look like who they represent.” (Marie W, IMLR)
“We’ve learned in a lot of our diversity training. Now it’s all about, hey, let’s include as many thoughts and many backgrounds as we can. If we include everyone and try to work together, we will be a lot better because you hear different perspectives and opinions. That’s a lot of our leadership training in corporate America nowadays – let’s include as many people as we can.” (Richard, RMCR)
(Amy, IMNR)
(Hannah, IMR)
In 1,351 open-ended responses, mentions of:
wdt_ID | Term | Frequency |
1 | Equity | 0 |
2 | BIPOC | 1 |
3 | People of color; POC | 0 |
4 | Racial justice | 0 |
5 | White supremacy | 1 |
6 | Social justice | 4 |
7 | Latinx | 0 |
8 | Marginalized | 0 |
9 | New citizens | 0 |
10 | Undocumented | 1 |
Opportunity 1: Establish onramps to belonging
- In this time of disunity, people crave connection with others.
- Establish positive sources of connection in neutral territory (As Pennsylvanians, as people who care about our kids, etc.)
- While diverse identities are important, Dems must not forget about those beyond the base, who often feel excluded from the party.
- Talk about moving forward together where everyone has a role, the shared values we hold, the strength of working together, and how that work connects with positive historical figures across generations.
- Cancel culture shuts down the conversation – it’s not about perfection — it’s about progressing forward.
- Create onramps to belonging, welcoming those who want to join us rather than critiquing their imperfections.
- Historically, any great thing we’ve ever done as a country has been done together.
- Remind voters of the legacy of teamwork (Race to the Moon, Normandy, Public Works Project, etc.) and how we are better together.
Watchout 2: Democrats spend, spend, spend (other people’s money)*
Words matter.
“President Biden’s American Jobs Plan is a visionary, once-in-a-century investment in the American people and in America’s future. This package is about jobs, jobs, jobs: creating millions of good-paying union jobs, investing in American workers and turbocharging America’s global competitiveness – all while reimagining and revitalizing our infrastructure in a transformative, resilient way.”
Bernie Sanders general campaign speech:
“Today, we say to the military-industrial-complex that we will not continue to spend $700 billion a year on the military – more than the next ten nations combined. We’re going to invest in affordable housing, we’re going to invest in public education, we’re going to invest in rebuilding our crumbling infrastructure — not more nuclear weapons and never-ending wars.”
“Critics say we shouldn’t spend this money. They ask, What do we get out of it? Well, they said the same thing when we first flew into space for the first time. They said the same thing. And we’ll significantly ramp up the IRS enforcement against corporations who either fail to report their incomes or under-report. It’s estimated that it could raise hundreds of billions of dollars. All of this adds up to more than what I’ve proposed to spend in just 15 years.”
Biden on American Rescue Plan:
“And one of the things that we said in the beginning that no one thought that I was being straight about was I said: This is going to create — we — we have to spend this money to make sure we have economic growth, unrelated to how much it’s going to help people.”
“A person who wants more but isn’t willing to EARN it and wants those who have already achieved more to subsidize him/her without giving anything in return.”
“Doesn’t know much about other people’s life but want to command everyone to sacrifice themselves just to make some minorities life better.”
“Spend my money like it was their own.”
“Condemns working class for being successful and making good money.”
“They want to be seen as a savior by offering things for free, but take no concern for those who ultimately have to pay the cost.”
“Spends funds and assets of other people.”
“Majority pays for others to live on welfare.”
Opportunity 2: Aggressively stand up for Americans’ economic freedom
- Voters believe that Democrats spend all the money they can get their hands on, and believe government spending makes Americans “servants to [government] generosity,” reducing freedom. This frustrates voters who feel that Democrats support “line cutters,” undermining fairness, and reward people who don’t really want to work.
- Republicans are rewarded for their business associations (and perceived financial acumen) as well as their “aggressive” approach to getting things done.
- Democrats need to tell a better story about how their policies open doors of opportunity, and that under their leadership, life and the economy have gotten better for everyday Americans.
- Also, Democrats ought to embrace the language of investment and talk about economic freedom, ensuring that Americans are the shareholders of the American economy, not just bystanders or servants to it.
- Democrats also need to simplify their language around revenue and better convey our values.
- One thing to note is that technology and a rapidly changing future creates a great deal of anxiety regarding job loss, in particular, so it is imperative for leaders to be transparent and create tools for people to succeed.
Watchout 3: Democrats are ineffective*
Why is this happening?
Democrats need to give Americans agency on how they can build the future…
(Marie, IMLR)
Opportunity 3: “Fix the damn pothole!”
- American voters are deeply frustrated with the idea of a government that works for everyone but them.
- A government that cannot deliver for its people is at best, useless, and at worst, a match that will set off a powder keg.
- We are a tipping point for the United States. This is not business as usual.
- Give voters agency to create a compelling, positive vision for the future. This is not about how the Republican Party is terrible; it’s about how the Democratic party, will partner with and open up opportunities for the people to get to a better future.
- Deliver results for voters that represent what the people want — not just what Republican lawmakers will allow.
- Take victory laps with Dem wins, continually reminding voters what they’re getting with a Democratic administration.
- Democrats must work to engage voters beyond election cycles.
- For voters, this means meaningful engagement on the federal and local by intentionally creating and joining communities to engage the populace, investing in local democratic clubs that do things between elections and establish multiple on-ramps to political engagement (calls, canvassing, and cookies, among others).
- Show voters what happens when Democrats are in charge by featuring voters impacted by issues, educating voters on those issues, and delivering solutions to those issues across a variety of media formats.
Voters Are Negative About Government
Thinking about the U.S. government and its role in your life, how well do you think it’s working for you?
In conclusion
More on the parties
- Character Personifications of the Democratic Party and the Republican Party
- The Party in Charge for 20 years — What would happen, what voters expect
- Which would you rather? Creative Scenarios and what they say about each party
- Sensory Associations and Party Brand Guide
- Tipping Points: What it Would Take for Party Loyalists and Indies to Switch Sides
The Democratic party, metaphorically and as characters
Democrats strongly associated with caring, connection, idealism, fun, giving, desire to be helpful
Positive Associations from Within the Party
Diverse, charismatic, everyone has value, support the people and middle class
Negative Associations from Outside the Party
Democrats are childlike idealists who can’t deliver, spend all the money and boss around the country with their social mores. They are trying to please too many groups.
Negative Associations from Within the Party
Democrats are weighed down by corporate money, too soft on Republicans, can be two-faced, feel like they can be anti-white.
Overwhelming idea of party being for others and for everyone.
Future of Party
Across segments, there’s a perception the party is moving in a more progressive, more diverse direction. Many talk about the possibility of a first female president coming from within the party.
The Republican party, metaphorically and as characters
Republicans strongly associated with aggression and getting things done, order and rules, traditional values, corporations, business, and finance and the individual (not others).
Outside the Party
Republicans are the party of liars and snakes, they spread disunity, they are racist, sexist, and out of step with the times
Within the Party
Republicans are fearful, abrasive, arrogant, refuse to work with Democrats, hold old-fashioned social mores (anti-trans, racist, etc.) and are too tied to religious blocks of voters.
Overwhelming idea of Me, me, me instead of We.
Future of Party
Across segments, there’s a lot of uncertainty as to the future direction of the party. Many perceive imminent or eventual collapse.
The Democratic party — Outcomes of being in charge for 20 years
Democrats on Democrats in charge
Independents on Democrats in charge
Republicans on Democrats in charge
- Lines — Government handouts/dependency leads to job loss
- Exclusion — Cancel Culture & Picking fights
- Chaos — Messy, broken streets & devastation
- Steal/Take away money from others/Higher Taxes
- Red Tape
- Chaos: Rioting/Government Control
- Hidden Costs under legislation
- Caring for the Environment and Green Energy
- Technology & Science
- General Care and getting Along
- Diversity & Inclusion — for voting and beyond
- Opening doors/stairs to housing/opportunities
- Healthcare & Dignity
- Lines from Government Dependency (Negative)
- Diversity & Inclusion — Connection with Everyone
- Caring for the Earth
- Education for young people
- Caring for the underdog and helping them thrive
- Women have more money/power
- Healthcare
- Global Harmony
Democrats in charge — associated outcomes
- Women Have More Money/Power
- Global Harmony
- Family Values
- Unions
- Social Security
- Everyone Gets to Vote
- Beating COVID
- Inefficiency/Waste
- Higher Taxes
- Pork Barrel Bills
- Feel good solution when tough solution is needed Govt Control (Too Much)
- Big Promises, No Follow Through
- Jobs — Better Jobs and Opportunities for All
- Technical Innovation & Science
- Healthcare & Dignity for All
- Better Education
- Caring for the Earth/Green Energy Technology & Science
- Caring, Connection and Helping Others Diversity and Inclusion
- Opening Doors/Stairs to Housing/Opportunity
- Higher Gas Prices/Costs
- Lots of Govt Spending
- Int’l Disrespect because we are weak
- Chaos – Messy Streets & Riots
- Exclusion – Cancel Culture
- Lines – Govt Handouts / Dependency / People out of work
- Chaos/No Rules — Immigration out of control
- Corporate Influence
- Connected with what Americans Really Want
- Living Wages/Better Wages
- Shackling the Police Promoting Trans/Pronouns
The Republican party — Outcomes of being in charge for 20 years
Democrats on Republicans in charge
Independents on Republicans in charge
Republicans on Republicans in charge
- Growing the Economy/Productivity
- Ability to relax without worrying about pronouns
- Helping others
- Christians/Republicans in Bed Together (Negative)
- Freedom!
- Family values
- Lack of climate care & more digging for oil
- Basic needs not met (Food, Water, Housing, Electricity)
- Racism/Police brutality
- Brutal individualism
- Lies & conspiracy theories elevated
- Disunity & obstruction
- More and more guns
- Favoring the wealthy over middle class and poor
- Pollution/Lack of climate care
- Income disparity
- White men in charge
- Basic needs not met (Food, Water, Housing, Electricity)
- Racist policies that devalue life
- More and more guns
Democrats in charge — associated outcomes
- Nazis and Facism
- Chaos at the Capital
- Kids in Cages
- Overfunding military
- Funding the wall
- Growing the Economy/Productivity
- Joy/Can Relax without worrying about pronouns
- Helping Others
- Christians / Republicans in Bed Together (Negative)
- Republicans spread lies
- Black and white thinking
- Anti-Abortion Policies
- Racism/Police Brutality
- Lots of Guns
- Basic Needs Not Met — Food, Water, Housing, Electricity
- Lack of Climate Care /Digging for Oil
- Income/Wealth Gap
- It’s a (White) Man’s World
- World Respects Us
- Traditional Family Values
- Freedom!
- No Red Tape
- Lies & Conspiracies
- Not working with Dems — Disunity/Obstruction
- Status Quo Healthcare
- Anti-Immigration
- Brutal Individualism
- Policies that Hurt Children
- War & Nuclear Weapons
- Corruption
- Transphobia
Which party would you rather…
- Democrats: 60% chose Democrats, 40% chose Republicans.
- Republicans: 88% chose Republicans, 12% chose Democrats
- Independents: 60% chose Republicans, 50% chose Democrats, and 10% chose a combination of both.
- Insight: Republicans are perceived as providing strength and security through aggression…
- “They’ve been about law and order since the inception of the Constitution, for God’s sakes. And they’re really good at it too. They’re really good at locking people up and keeping people safe, for the most part. I’m trying to articulate this out of my brain, but… They give no quarter when it comes to safety.”
- Black voters unilaterally chose Democrats because of the belief that Republicans might shoot them.
- Democrats: 90% chose Democrats, 10% chose Republicans.
- Republicans: 55% chose Republicans, 22% chose Democrats, 23% chose a combination of both.
- Independents: 83% chose Democrats and 17% chose a combination of both.
- Insight: The perception of Democrats is that they would be better company and more cooperative.
- “I mean the Republican Party would probably be pretty boring, they’d be like, All right, figure it all out, work it, do this and that. Versus the Democratic Party would probably be like, All right, let’s start taking inventory of what resources we have and start using those and be a lot more creative on it.”
- Democrats: 82% chose Democrats, 18% chose Republicans.
- Republicans: 88% chose Republicans, 12% chose Democrats
- Independents: 55% chose Republicans, 33% chose Democrats, and 12% chose a combination of both.
- Insight: Overall feeling is that Democrats would give your money away.
- “The Republicans. Just because I believe in lower taxes and I’m not going to be rich ever, but I won’t get as much taken away if the Republicans are in charge.”
- Democrats: 100% chose Democrats.
- Republicans: 50% chose Republicans, 25% chose Democrats, 25% chose a combination of both.
- Independents: 64% chose Democrats, 27% chose Republicans, 9% chose a combination of both.
- Insight: Democrats are considered more caring
- Democrats, Compassion. I feel like there’s compassion there. They’re probably not going to be separated from me and put into kennels.
If the Democratic Party had a motto, what would it be and why?
- Helping everyone and be kind to all
- God bless America and every place else. Man of the people.
- Everyone is in this together, people at the top and at the bottom.
- Hard working, down to earth
- For the people
- All together in this world
- Just don’t look too deep
- Equal rights for all
- I love everyone, and I will fight for you
- Being open to change as certain ideas of America might change
- We have an all-inclusive society
- High taxes to help everyone
- Tolerant unless you disagree
- Full steam ahead
- Let’s make America Better
- If it feels good do it
- It’s going to get worse
- Go big or go home
- We’re all in this together
- We shall rise again
- Fight for people who the system doesn’t fight for
- Invest in the future
- Don’t tell me what to do
- It’s just big, big, give, give, give
- Whatever you want me to say, whatever you want to hear, I’m going to tell you because you want to hear it.
- Take from the rich, and give to the poor
- Make it big, make it shiny, put everything in lights
- The golden rule — you treat people how you want to be treated
- Inclusion is best
- We include everyone as long as you look like us
- Do as I say
- Let’s make it all good for now, worry later
If the Republican Party had a motto, what would it be and why?
- I’m always right and I’m going to do it anyway.
- No Fun or Me First.
- We’re the best, we’re #1
- Give me all your money. Pay me.
- Let’s stay together. Let’s unify. Let’s form a club and call it The Patriot Club, and don’t let anybody in other than Republicans.
- Make money at any cost.
- Power, being in power, having the power.
- Fend for yourself, do what you need to do for yourself even if it doesn’t do good or help support those around you.
- Fight Stronger and Fight Harder. With any means you have to.
- Get back to work, you’re working work hard for me.
- More for the wealthy, less for the common person
- If you do well, you get more control
- Gods, guns, and the economy, and oil
- No shame, No chain, No game
- MAGA… America WILL be Great
- All for one and that’s me
- Get the job done
- My way or the Highway
- Anything besides traditional conservatism is nonsense
- Work hard to survive
- God, guns, and business
- Me, Me, Me
- We work for you
- Live free or die
- Don’t tread on me
- Family and Country First
- Destroy the world
- It’s my way or the highway
- We include everyone as long as you look like us
- Let’s get the job done
- Let’s sit down and brainstorm
- Civility and courtesy
If the Democratic/Republican party were a politician, which politician would it be and why?
- Politicians identified tended to be more diverse with diverse backgrounds, representing the evolution of America. Those selected were not consistently from a stereotypical political background.
- Politicians identified tended to be more frequently from a wealthy background, more white and male, and tended to be defenders of the status quo.
If the Democratic/Republican party were a food, which food would it be and why?
- Democrats associated with foods that bring together a diversity of ingredients – e.g. fruit salad, burger, jambalaya.
- Democrats represent healthier, more communal, more diverse choices.
- Republicans associated with expensive food items and traditional foods.
- Republicans strongly associated with elite, vice-ridden, and traditional foods.
If the Democratic/Republican party were a sound, style, or piece of music, which sound, style, or piece of music would it be and why?
- Democrats associated with more contemporary, diverse, and alternative music offerings indicating the associations Democrats have with contemporary, diverse culture.
- Republicans strongly associated with more traditional music offerings, including rock music, classical, and country music, indicating more traditional culture.
If the Democratic/Republican party were a scent, smell, or fragrance, which scent, smell, or fragrance would it be and why?
- Democrats associated with pleasant, soft, comforting, and fresh smells — potentially more feminine, lighter scents.
- Republicans associated with more musky scents, with lots of traditional Americana and harder, stronger scents and smells included. This tells us that Republicans have a stronger association with Americana, generally, but also a masculine tilt.
If the Democratic/Republican party were a touch, feel, or texture, which touch, feel, or texture would it be and why?
- Democrats associated with soft, cozy, and welcoming touches/textures (eg: hug, cotton, massage, suede, felt), indicating the sense of care associated with the party.
- Republicans strongly associated with rougher, coarse, firm, and electrically charged sensations (eg: sandpaper, corduroy, electric shock, push/shove, punch, dollar slapping you in the face), indicating the sense of strength and masculine associations with the party.
If the Democratic/Republican party were a logo, which logo would it be and why?
- Democrats associated with a sense of community, lots of color, hands coming together, indicating that the party is strongly associated with diversity, a rainbow coalition and connection.
- Republicans strongly associated with traditional Americana imagery, along with money, and industry indicating the corporate, patriotic focus of the party.
Tipping points
For Democrats
- Expecting Republicans to work with them
- Being so soft
- Pushing the super extreme stuff
- Being two-faced and going back on minimum wage promises
- Putting big tech’s interests over the people
- Corruption, the Money in Politics
- With the open borders
- Coming up with a plan for low/middle class to pay more reasonable taxes; have those with more money pay more because they can afford it
- Finding a way to provide at least a baseline of decent living for all
- Tailoring the stimulus according to different means
- Showing that you’re listening to your constituents
- Being more transparent
- Serving the people
- Establishing some clear rules and policies around immigration
- Get things done
- Get younger candidates
- Have long-term vision
- Ditch career politicians & get money out of politics
- Show fiscal conservatism
- Elect a female president
- Raise minimum wages so ppl can afford homes
- Guarantee and achieve Healthcare for all
- Be the party of opportunity
- Tie policies to the 10 Commandments
- Weren’t so cliquey and stopped corruption
- Implement term limits and the law that would make any government mandated act applicable to everyone (politicians included.)
For Republicans
- Giving tax breaks to the wealthy (I’d like them to transfer the wealth back to the bottom)
- Being racist
- Putting big oil’s interests over the people
- Denying climate change
- Lying about stolen elections
- Caring about Black people
- Wearing face masks, taking COVID seriously
- Listening to people more and think about people other than themselves
- Finding a way to provide at least a baseline of decent living for all
- Caring about income inequality
- Get younger, non-white candidates who didn’t grow up with money
- Support universal healthcare
- Establish a $20 minimum wage
- Run a woman or elect one
- Reverse Reaganomics
- Support social programs — esp poverty alleviation
- Show commitment to the best of their ideals
- Stop being crazy
- Give back the tax break
- Support equality
- Take climate change seriously
- Be willing to listen and compromise
- Had reps who could think on their own
- Care about all people, not just their people
Dreams for the future – what the electorate says about it
“Solid, diverse, controlling Climate Change.” (Steve, DMLR)
“I would like to see more equal, more opportunities, more higher wages.” (Karen, RMCR)
“I just want to see a more united United States.” (Joshua, DMLR)
“Just finding compromise. I think having a compromised world in the United States where this sort of thing doesn’t happen, I guess, blending the colors of blue and red together into a purple world, would probably be my ideal thing for the US. Progressive, forward, everyone’s equal, that sort of thing. Basic human rights.” (Kurt, DVLNR)
“I would just like everybody to stop fighting.” (Kaycee, RMCR)
“I would like to see a whole revamp of taxes. Simplified, tax the rich more to help those with fewer resources. I would like to see far more open immigration and support to help people immigrate and move freely, I would like to see way more spent on education.” (Shannon, DVLR)
“I think a party is going to listen to a lot of different people’s ideas, but also create change and go in a different direction from what we’ve seen the last 40 years.” (Ben, IMLR)
“I would love to see a leader come out who would truly want to listen and bring people together and stop yelling.” (Richard, RMCR)
“I would say just a place that continues to be diversified with a lot of people from all over the world and just all of us as Americans being accepting of everybody’s religion and race.” (Joe, DMLNR)
“I just want us to be better. Just better in how things are handled, better in how we can improve ourselves, how we can speak to each other, how we can talk to each other. Just the overall level of respect.” (Sabria, IMR)
Below the surface of the Republican party
On going it alone and not working with Democrats…
On being ineffective…
On the personality of the party…
On only caring about the rich…
I feel like they represent the middle and lower class because we’re the ones stuck paying the majority of the taxes. I feel the one in the wheelbarrow is the super high rich people – they stay rich for a reason. They get all the money while we’re stuck paying and forking out more in taxes it seems like.” (Karen, RMCR)